Add a Co-applicant

Applicant Contact Information

Primary applicant personal & contact information.
First Name
Last Name
Former Last Name?
Email Address
Phone Number (home)
Phone Number (work)
Phone Number (mobile)
Place of Birth
Social Security Number
Drivers License Number
Schooling Level Completed
Marital Status
Name of Current Spouse/Domestic Partner
Name of Former Spouse/Domestic Partner

Co-applicant Contact Information

Co-applicant personal & contact information.
First Name
Last Name
Former Last Name?
Email Address
Phone Number (home)
Phone Number (work)
Phone Number (mobile)
Place of Birth
Social Security Number
Drivers License Number
Schooling Level Completed
Marital Status
Name of Current Spouse/Domestic Partner
Name of Former Spouse/Domestic Partner

Where do you live?

Your primary address & mailing address.
Address 1
Address 2
Is the mailing address the same as above?
Mailing Address 1
Mailing Address 2
Mailing City
Mailing State
Mailing Zip

Previous Addresses

Additional addresses in the last 10 years
Address 1
Address 2
From Date
To Date

Previous Addresses

Additional addresses in the last 10 years
Address 1
Address 2
From Date
To Date

Where does the Co-applicant live?

Co-applicant primary address and mailing address.
Same address as the primary applicant?
Address 1
Address 2
Is the mailing address the same as above?
Mailing Address 1
Mailing Address 2
Mailing City
Mailing State
Mailing Zip

Previous Addresses

Additional addresses in the last 10 years
Address 1
Address 2
From Date
To Date

Previous Addresses

Additional addresses in the last 10 years
Address 1
Address 2
From Date
To Date

What is the purpose of this loan?

Business or Investment Use Personal or Consumer Use

Business or Investment Loan Purpose

Loan Amount
No. of Months Length: 3-Year | 5-Year | Other
Loan Type
What will you be using the funds of this loan for? Be specific.

What property would you like a loan on?

Type of Property
Address 1
Address 2

Only properties in CA can be accepted.

Year Aquired
Original Cost
Amount of Existing Liens
Do you know how the title will be held?
Title will be held in what Name(s)?
Property will be:

Borrower Employment Information

Employment History
Name of Employer
Address of Employer
Yrs. on this job
Business Phone (incl. area code)

If employed in current position for less than two years or if currently employed in more than one position, add it below:

Add Another Employer

Co-Borrower Employment Information

Employment History
Name of Employer
Address of Employer
Yrs. on this job
Position/Title/Type of Business
Business Phone (incl. area code)

If employed in current position for less than two years or if currently employed in more than one position, add it below:

Add Another Employer

Monthly Income

Income and Combined Housing Expense Information
Gross Monthly Income Borrower Co-Borrower Total Combined Monthly Housing Expense Present
Base Empl. Income * Rent
Overtime First Mortgage (P&I)
Bonuses Other Financing (P&I)
Commissions Hazard Insurance
Dividends/Interest Real Estate Taxes
Net Rental Income Mortgage Insurance
Other Homeowner Assn. Dues
Total Total
* Self Employed Borrower(s) may be required to provide additional documentation such as tax returns and financial statements.
Describe Other Income (Notice: Alimony, child support, or separate maintenance income need not be revealed if the Borrower (B) or Co-Borrower (C) does not choose to have it considered for repaying this loan.) Monthly Amount
This statement and any applicable supporting schedules may be completed jointly by both married and unmarried Co-borrowers if their assets and liabilities are sufficiently joined so that the Statement can be meaningfully and fairly presented on a combined basis; otherwise, separate Statements and Schedules are required. If the Co-Borrower section was completed about a non-applicant spouse or other person, this Statement and supporting scheduels must be completed by that spouse or other person also.

Borrower Assets

Checking & Savings Accounts
Name and Address of Bank, S&L, or Credit Union

If you need to add another account, click the button below.

Add Another Account
Stocks & Bonds (Company name/number description)
Stocks & Bonds
Face Amount:
Life insurance net cash value
Face Amount:
Subtotal Liquid Assets
Real estate owned (enter total market value)
Show Schedule of Real Estate Owned
Vested interest in retirement fund
Net worth of business(es) owned
Automobiles owned
Other Assets
Total Assets

Co-applicant Assets

Cash deposit toward purchase held by:
Cash or Market Value of deposit:
Name and Address of Bank, S&L, or Credit Union

If you need to add another account, click the button below.

Add Another Account
Stocks & Bonds (Company name/number description)
Stocks & Bonds
Face Amount:
Life insurance net cash value
Face Amount:
Subtotal Liquid Assets
Real estate owned (enter total market value)
Schedule of Real Estate Owned
Vested interest in retirement fund
Net worth of business(es) owned
Automobiles owned
Other Assets
Total Assets


Name and Address of Company
Monthly Payment and Remaining Payments
Unpaid Balance

If you need to add another liability, click the button below.

Add Another Liability
Alimony/Child Support/Separate Maintenance Payments Owed to:
Job-Related Expense (child care, union dues, etc.)
Total Monthly Payments
Net Worth (assets - liabilities)

Co-applicant Liabilities

Name and Address of Company
Monthly Payment and Remaining Payments
Unpaid Balance

If you need to add another liability, click the button below.

Add Another Liability
Alimony/Child Support/Separate Maintenance Payments Owed to:
Job-Related Expense (child care, union dues, etc.)
Total Monthly Payments
Net Worth (assets - liabilities)


Are there any outstanding judgements against you?
Have you been declared bankrupt within the past 7 years?
Have you had property foreclosed upon or given title or deed in lieu thereof in the last 7 years?
Are you a party to a lawsuit?
Have you directly or indirectly been obligated on any loan which resulted in foreclosure, transfer of title in lieu of foreclosure, or judgement?
Are you presently delinquent or in default on any Federal debt or any other loan, mortgage, financial obligation, bond, or loan guarantee?
Are you obligated to pay alimony, child support, or separate maintenance?
Is any part of the down payment borrowed?
Are you a co-maker or endorser on a note?
Are you a U.S. citizen?
Are you a permanent resident alien?
Have you had an ownership interest in a property in the last three years?

Information for Government Monitoring Purposes

The following information is requested by the Federal Government for certain types of loans related to a dwelling in order to monitor the lender's compliance with equal credit opportunity, fair housing and home mortgage disclosure laws. You are not required to furnish this information, but are encouraged to do so. The law provides that a Lender may not disciminate either on the basis of this information, or on whether you choose to furnish it. If you furnish the information, please provide both ethnicity and race. If you do not furnish ethnicity, race, or sec, under Federal Regulations, this lender is required to note the information on the basis of visual observation and surname if you have made this application in person. If you do not wish to furnish the information, please check the box below. (Lender must review the above material to assure that the disclosures satisfy all requirements to which the lender is subject under applicable state law for the particular type of loan applied for.)

Co-applicant Declarations

Are there any outstanding judgements against you?
Have you been declared bankrupt within the past 7 years?
Have you had property foreclosed upon or given title or deed in lieu thereof in the last 7 years?
Are you a party to a lawsuit?
Have you directly or indirectly been obligated on any loan which resulted in foreclosure, transfer of title in lieu of foreclosure, or judgement?
Are you presently delinquent or in default on any Federal debt or any other loan, mortgage, financial obligation, bond, or loan guarantee?
Are you obligated to pay alimony, child support, or separate maintenance?
Is any part of the down payment borrowed?
Are you a co-maker or endorser on a note?
Are you a U.S. citizen?
Are you a permanent resident alien?
Have you had an ownership interest in a property in the last three years?

Co-Borrower Information for Government Monitoring Purposes
